Anaphylaxis Shock Resuscitation in Pediatric

Anaphylaxis is a potentially life-threatening systemic allergic reaction mediated by IgE antibody, resulting in the release of histamine, leukotrienes and vasoactive mediators. The commonest etiologies are specific environmental allergens, e.g. food, insect bites, drugs, blood products and radiocontrast media. Most reactions occur within 30 minutes of exposure and require prompt assessment and aggressive treatment. 

Signs and symptoms

A prodrome of flushing, facial swelling, urticaria, wheeze and stridor may precede airway obstruction or shock.

Life-threatening features of anaphylaxis and their cause:
Feature Cause  ---> Stridor Laryngeal and pharyngeal edema (tongue, lips and uvula)
Cough and wheeze --->  Bronchospasm
Hypotension  ---> Systemic vasodilatation and hypovolemia (capillary leak)

The child may also have pruritis, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhea. 

Immediate management

Epinephrine (adrenaline) and the ABC approach are the mainstays of treatment.

Give epinephrine (adrenaline) s.c. i.m. (0.01 ml kg−1 of 1:1000) or slowly i.v. (0.1 ml kg−1 of 1:10000)
Improvement should be seen within 2 minutes. The dose of epinephrine (adrenaline) should be repeated if the effect is incomplete.

The child should be given:
• oxygen by facemask
• nebulized epinephrine (adrenaline) 5 ml of 1/1000 may be used in conjunction with intravenous epinephrine, or alone for mild upper airway obstruction
• intubation if airway obstruction is severe
Call for urgent anesthetic and ENT assistance as the child may need urgent intubation and, very rarely, a surgical airway.

Intravenous access should be secured with a wide bore cannula. Circulation should then be supported.
• Give 20 ml kg−1 of normal saline, for hypotension.
• If hypotension continues, give further fluid bolus of 20 ml kg−1 and not colloid doses and repeat epinephrine (adrenaline) dose every 5 minutes or consider i.v. epinephrine (adrenaline) infusion 0.1 µg kg−1 min−1 with the child on continuous oxygen saturation, ECG and BP monitoring. Senior emergency and intensive care staff should be called.

Further management

All patients with anaphylaxis should be admitted for observation as they may deteriorate after the initial episode. They may need further treatment, including:
• steroids: hydrocortisone 4 mg kg−1.

Choking Treatment in Pediatric

Every year, hundreds of children die, particularly in the preschool age group, after inhaling a foreign body, the commonest cause of accidental death in the under 1-year-old group. 
[1] Consumer product safety standards have helped decrease this number by dictating the minimum size of toys and their components suitable for this at-risk under 4-year-old age group,
[2] or by modifying previously dangerous items such as ballpoint pen tops. In addition, responsible manufacturers have withdrawn some of the dangerous elements of their product range. Tragically, however, children still choke on a host of things around the home, including food such as hot dog, crisps, nuts and buttons with resultant avoidable deaths. Small children will put almost any object in their mouths and the potential for a choking accident always exists.


The diagnosis of foreign body inhalation is not always obvious, especially if unwitnessed. It should be suspected in any infant or child who develops sudden onset respiratory distress, particularly if associated with coughing, gagging, stridor or wheeze. A collapsed apnoeic child with foreign body aspiration may also present with a chest that cannot beinflated despite adequate airway opening manoeuvres and rescue breaths. The differential diagnosis includes a number of important infections, such as croup and epiglottitis with upper airway edema and obstruction. They should be suspected in children who, in addition to upper airway obstruction, present with features such as fever, lethargy, hoarseness or drooling. Incorrect diagnosis leading to inappropriate management can be disastrous and may result in worsening obstruction and possible death. These children should be taken to an appropriate hospital facility as a matter of urgency.

Small inhaled objects may well pass down into the distal bronchial tree and, if a careful history and examination are not performed, they could be mistaken for asthma. Unilateral wheeze and air trapping on chest X-ray are helpful clues. Bronchoscopic retrieval of even a small asymptomatic foreign body is necessary to prevent infection developing.


A child suspected of foreign body inhalation should be managed as a priority in a calm and reassuring manner. When foreign body aspiration is either witnessed or strongly suspected and the child is still able to cough, he or she should be encouraged to do so for as long as a forceful cough is maintained.
In the absence of an effective cough or respiratory effort with the development of stridor, cyanosis and unconsciousness and in the presence of obstructed breathing, other techniques are used to try and dislodge an inhaled foreign body. The technique depends on the age of the victim. They are all designed to create an artificial cough by rapidly increasing intrathoracic pressure, thereby expelling air to expel the foreign body.

Blind finger sweeps in a child’s mouth are not recommended and should not be performed. They are likely to cause the child to panic all the more or even push a foreign body at the back of the throat further down into the airway making it more difficult to remove. In addition the soft palate is easily damaged and blood tracking down into the airway increases obstruction.

In the unconscious apnoeic child, airway opening manoeuvres should be performed. In addition to the standard techniques, the tongue-jaw lift is useful and is achieved by grasping the tongue and lower jaw between finger and thumb and pulling forwards. This pulls the tongue off the back of the throat and may relieve the obstruction and make visualisation of a foreign body easier. If the foreign body is visible it should be removed preferably with Magill’s forceps.

a. Infants
A combination of back blows and chest thrusts only is recommended in this age group. Infants have a relatively large liver and abdominal thrusts could potentially result in abdominal injury.
The rescuer should place the baby prone and head down over the outstretched arm with the forearm resting on the thigh, supporting the baby’s head. Five back blows, with the heel of the free hand, are then delivered between the baby’s shoulder blades. Should this be unsuccessful the baby is turned over, again head down and cradled on the outstretched arm. Five chest thrusts are then delivered using the same landmarks and techniques as for cardiac massage, only more slowly. Larger infants can be dealt with the same way but with the child resting over the lap.

b. Children
In the older child, back blows are carried out as in the larger infant with the child lying over the lap. If the victim is conscious, abdominal thrusts (the Heimlich manoeuvre) [3] can then be used with the child sitting, standing, lying or kneeling. If unconscious, the victim should be managed lying in the supine position. When the child is in other than the lying position, the rescuer should stand behind and place the arms around the child’s torso with a clenched fist against the abdominal wall between the xiphisternum and umbilicus. The other hand is then placed over the fist and both hands are thrust rapidly upwards into the abdomen. This is performed five times or less if the foreign body is expelled.
To carry out abdominal thrusts with the child lying supine, the rescuer kneels to one side or astride the child and places the heel of one hand on the abdominal wall between the umbilicus and xiphisternum. The free hand is then placed onto the first hand and five vigorous midline upward thrusts are carried out or until the foreign body is expelled.

Post-resuscitation Stabilization in Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Emergency

Following the return of spontaneous circulation, damage still continues by way of reperfusion injury, hence stabilization is essential. The child will need complete ventilatory support until cardiac stability is achieved in a designated intensive care unit.

Often inotropic support with dopamine, dobutamine and epinephrine (adrenaline) will be required in the immediate post-arrest state to maintain adequate tissue perfusion.

The patient needs monitoring and investigations

• Pulse and rhythm
• Invasive and non-invasive blood pressure monitoring
• Respiratory rate
• Pulse oximetry
• Transcutaneous CO2 monitoring
• Arterial blood gases
• Skin and core temperature
• Central venous pressure
• Urine output

Post-resuscitation investigations
• Full blood count
• Urea, creatinine and electrolytes
• Liver function tests
• Blood glucose
• Arterial blood gases
• Clotting
• 12-lead ECG
• Chest X-ray

The facilities for these may not be readily available until transfer to the intensive care unit but the following investigations should be carried out immediately post-resuscitation.

Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Emergency Drugs

In a cardiorespiratory arrest, drugs are usually given intravenously. However, prior to obtaining vascular or intraosseous access, many drugs can be administered via the tracheal route, namely epinephrine (adrenaline), lignocaine, naloxone and atropine. At least two to three times the intravenous dose, and, in the case of epinephrine (adrenaline), 10 times, the dose should be mixed with 2–3 ml of 0.9% saline. The dose is usually administered via a tracheal suction catheter, which is advanced past the trachea in order to maximise delivery of the drug. This route is a lastresort drug delivery and absorption from this route is very unpredictable.


Persistent myocardial hypoxia results in bradycardia, which, left untreated, will lead to a cardiopulmonary arrest Atropine in a dose of 20 µg kg−1 is useful to antagonise the vagally induced bradycardia during tracheal intubation. The pupils should be examined prior to the administration of atropine as it causes bilateral pupillary dilatation and hence interferes with neurological assessment in head injuries.

Epinephrine (adrenaline)

Despite experience with cardiopulmonary resuscitation over the last 30 years,epinephrine (adrenaline) still remains the sole drug effective in restoring circulation in patients following cardiac arrest. Its alpha-receptor activity is thought to be responsible for increasing the aortic diastolic pressure and subsequently coronary artery perfusion. Peripheral arterial vasoconstriction increases the afterload and myocardial perfusion but also has a tendency to increase myocardial oxygen demand. Enhancement of the contractile state of the heart and stimulation of spontaneous cardiac contractions is responsible for the successful return of circulatory activity. It has been postulated that a drug with pure alpha-receptor agonist properties may in fact be more effective, but studies comparing epinephrine (adrenaline) with norepinephrine (noradrenaline) have shown no clear benefit. 

Sodium bicarbonate

Metabolic acidosis rapidly develops during cardiopulmonary resuscitation as a result of anaerobic metabolism owing to the absence of oxygen. Myocardial contractility is inevitably depressed by this state of acidosis. The use of alkalising agents, namely sodium bicarbonate, is not routinely recommended in the initial stages of resuscitation as it can produce a transient increase in intracellular acidosis. The generation of carbon dioxide, whose elimination is already impaired will result in a left shift in the oxygen dissociation curve and further limit the supply of oxygen. Sodium bicarbonate can reliably be used in the treatment of hyperkalemia and, as worsening acidosis renders epinephrine (adrenaline) ineffective, its use may be advocated if return of spontaneous circulation has not occurred after the second dose of epinephrine (adrenaline).

Fluid administration

In the pre-arrest state, the tissues are often poorly perfused and administration of 20 ml kg−1 of crystalloids (0.9% saline) or colloid (4.5% human albumin solution) as a fluid bolus will result in rapid expansion of the circulatory volume. The controversy regarding crystalloid versus colloid administration in resuscitation will continue until published
evidence is available.


Once vascular access has been obtained, blood should be taken to check the blood glucose as hypoglycemia (<3 mmol l−1) can develop following cardiac arrest. Prompt correction with 5 ml kg−1 bolus of 10% dextrose is essential as the hypoglycemic state may worsen neurological outcome.

Advanced Life Support Cardiopulmonary Emergency

Basic life support should continue uninterrupted until the arrival of appropriately trained personnel and equipment. Asystole is the primary rhythm encountered in pediatric practice, ventricular fibrillation accounting for less than 10% of cases. Pulseless electrical activity also presents as cardiac
arrest. The ambulance control center will notify the receiving Emergency Department in the event that resuscitation is in progress, to enable preparation of equipment and assembly of the designated arrest team. On arrival at the department, continue basic life support following reassessment of the airway, breathing and circulation, and simultaneously apply cardiac monitoring. Mucus, vomit or blood in the oropharynx can easily be suctioned and Magill’s forceps can be used to remove visible foreign bodies.

There are many condition which needed Advanced Life Support

  1. Asystole and pulseless electrical activity
  2. Ventricular fibrillation and pulseless ventricular tachycardi

Asystole and pulseless electrical activity

Asystole is the absence of a palpable pulse and of electrical activity (Figure 2.3), whereas pulseless electrical activity is failure to detect a pulse with the presence of electrical activity on the cardiac monitor. Pulseless electrical activity can deteriorate into asystole and together these account for the vast majority of cardiopulmonary arrests in childhood.
Treatment for both includes (Figure 2.5):
• 100% oxygen and ventilation, initially using bag and mask ventilation until definitive airway secured following intubation.
• Nasogastric tube insertion early on to decompress the stomach; if bag and mask ventilation continues, diaphragmatic splinting will occur and the risk of gastric aspiration is increased.
• Establish intravenous access (maximum of three attempts or 90 seconds), thereafter intraosseous access should be attempted if under 6 years of age.
• Epinephrine (adrenaline) administration at an initial dose of 0.1 ml kg−1 of 1/10000 (10micrograms kg−1). If this is ineffective, it should be repeated after 3 minutes of ongoing CPR. An increased dose of epinephrine (adrenaline) has not been shown to increase success and it can lead to myocardial damage.
• Epinephrine (adrenaline) can be inserted down the endotracheal route while vascular or intraosseous access is being established.

Ventricular fibrillation and pulseless ventricular tachycardia

Ventricular fibrillation (VF) (Figure 2.4) and pulseless ventricular tachycardia (pulseless VT) are rarely encountered in the childhood population, accounting for 10% of cardiac arrest rhythms. Pre-existing cardiac pathology, hypothermia following drowning and ingestion of tricyclic antidepressants all predispose to their development. The management of VF and pulseless VT follow the same algorithm (Figure 2.5).
If the arrest is witnessed, a precordial thump can be given in attempt to restart the heart. Prior to defibrillation gel pads should be applied to the apex and right sternal edge of the chest. If the child is under 10 kg, use pediatric paddles. If these are unavailable defibrillation can still be achieved by placing one paddle on the front and the other on the back of the chest.
Defibrillation with DC shock should proceed as in Figure 2.6.
If the arrhythmia persists, give 0.1 ml kg−1 1/10000 epinephrine (adrenaline) (10 µg kg−1) and follow with 1 minute of CPR before giving further three shocks of 4 J kg−1. If the VF and pulseless VT is still resistant, amiodarone at a dose of 5 mg kg−1 in a bolus is the treatment of choice followed by 4 J kg−1 DC shock 60 seconds after administration. CPR should continue with, stopping only

Basic Life Support Cardiopulmonary Emergency

Cardiopulmonary arrest is simply defined as the cessation of spontaneous respiratory effort and circulation manifest as apnoea, absence of central pulses and lack of responsiveness. Overall fewer than 10% of children suffering cardiopulmonary arrest survive to hospital discharge. As cardiopulmonary arrest is rarely seen in children, paramedics, the public and Emergency Department staff should familiarize themselves with national guidelines and published protocols. This has been made increasingly possible with the local availability of life support courses, namely Advanced Pediatric Life Support (APLS) and Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS).

The International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) established in 1992 aimed to scrutinise existing scientific evidence, compare national differences and hence formulate recommendations that could subsequently be incorporated into international guidelines and used by individual resuscitation councils worldwide. ILCOR has the task of highlighting potential areas for future research and development and encouraging collaboration between the national resuscitation councils.


In contrast to the adult, primary cardiac pathology is rarely responsible for cardiopulmonary arrest in a child. It is more often the end result of respiratory insufficiency or circulatory failure. A state of tissue hypoxia and acidosis rapidly develops if respiratory insufficiency is allowed to proceed unrecognized or untreated. Ischemia to the end organs, namely heart, brain and kidney, occurs and cardiopulmonary arrest is the end point of prolonged and severe myocardial damage. Circulatory failure secondary to fluid/blood loss or maldistribution of fluid within the circulatory compartment can also eventually lead to cardiac arrest, for example secondary to severe gastroenteritis, burns, overwhelming sepsis and traumatic hemorrhage. In children, a period of prolonged hypoxia occurs in the prearrest state unlike the sudden cardiac event experienced in adults. This accounts for the extremely poor neurological outcome in survivors.

Basic life support

The prehospital provision of basic life support is essential to maintain perfusion of the vital organs until the facilities for advanced life support become available. Hence it is vital that increased public awareness and further education, to increase the pool of basic life support providers in the community, is encouraged, and that advanced life support providers are proficient with basic life support techniques to enable its continuous provision during resuscitation. The exact techniques in children vary in accordance with the age of the child and currently three categories exist—infants (under 1 year), small children (1–8 years) and larger children (>8 years).

Assessment and treatment

The appropriate sequence of assessment and treatment is as follows:
  1. Airway
  2. Breathing
  3. Circulation
Progression from airway to breathing should occur only when the airway has been appropriately assessed and secured, and similarly for breathing to circulation. Any deterioration in the child’s condition should prompt a rapid reassessment of the airway and subsequently breathing and circulation.

Prior to assessment of the child, additional help should be summoned. It is paramount to take care when approaching the victim to prevent the rescuer from becoming a second  victim. Only commence evaluation of airway, breathing and circulation after the victim has been freed from existing danger—the so-called SAFE approach (Figure 2.1).

An assessment of responsiveness can be achieved by asking the simple question, ‘Are you alright?’, and gently shaking the arm. If there is a suspected cervical spine injury, a clinician should place a hand on the child’s forehead to immobilize the head throughout resuscitation to prevent further damage. Children may respond either verbally signifying a patent airway or by opening the eyes.

In the unconscious child, the large tongue has a tendency to fall backwards and obstruct the pharynx. Blind sweeps are contraindicated in children as a partial obstruction can be converted into a complete obstruction. The tissues of the soft palate are very friable and their tendency to bleed can further obstruct the airway. Attempts to improve the obstructed airway can be performed by various airway opening manoeuvres, including head tilt and chin lift. The head should remain in the neutral position in the infant but in the ‘sniffing the morning air’ position in the child (Figure 2.2a, b). Employ the jaw thrust maneuver if spine trauma is suspected (Figure 2.2c). Only proceed to assessment of the breathing once the airway is patent.

To test for adequate circulation, palpation of the brachial pulse in the antecubital fossa or the femoral pulse in the groin should be performed in infants, as the carotid pulse is difficult to locate in this age group. In children over a year of age the carotid can be palpated. The absence of a central pulse for 10 seconds or a pulse rate of less than 60 beats per minute in a poorly perfused child necessitates commencement of cardiac compressions. Ideally the child should be positioned on his or her back on top of a hard surface. Correct hand positioning for cardiac compressions varies according to the age of
the child in three age bands:
• infant (<1 year)
• younger child (1–8 years)
• older child (>8 years) (see Table 2.1)

Common to all three age groups is a rate of compression of 100 per minute, the depth of compression of one-third of the depth of the chest wall. The ratio is one breath to five cardiac compressions in infants and young children, and two breaths to 15 compressions in the older child, regardless of number of rescuers (Table 2.1). Following completion of a minute or 20 cycles of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), the rescuer must seek assistance and call the emergency services if they have not already arrived. This is essential as basic life support merely supports perfusion of the vital organs and survival is virtually impossible unless the provision of advanced life support is ensured.